Monday, February 19, 2018

Understand Polymorphism to solve A a =new B() problem

Hi friends today I come across that many people stumble on a common question asked in JAVA/Android interview many time.

Problem states that if there is class as A and B and C. B extends A and in class C we have something like

A a =new B();
          B b= new A();

Ok So question is whether above statements are valid or not.

To validate it remember Polymorphism in Java - like biology term species (object) can have many forms - stages.

Means SuperClasses can be initialized with SubClasses. but reverse is not true.

If class B is extending class A, so here class A is superclass and class B is subclass.

Now by this statement

          // is valid 
A a= new B();
But reverse is not true.

B b= new A(); // will not compile and gives error - incompatible types
now call method on

if both class A and B have same method like someMethod(); which method will be called.

No doubt class B's method will be called as B's instance is assigned to a.

A a =new B();
       a.someMethod();  ///calls class B 's method.

Now complete picture is here.

import java.util.*;
class Test{
      public static void main(String args[]){
             Test test=new Test ();
       public void run(){
               // Valid class A's object assign to  A
              A a =new A();
             // Valid as class B's object assign to B
              B b=new B();
            // Call display method of class A
           // Call display method of class B
           // Valid as object of B class is assign to a 
           a=new B();
          // Here call display method of class B???
         //??Why because now A a holds object of class B
         // Now call to this method?  What will Happen
         b=new A();                
         // throws runtime exception "incompatible types -                 // class A can not be converted to  B"          
        // So this method won't work.
        // Then why A a =new B(); is valid.
       // By the property of polymorphism 
             class A{
                      public void display(){
                                System.out.println("Method of A");

          class B extends A{
                   public void display(){
                               System.out.println("Method of B");

Method of A
Method of B
Method of B

 That't it copy above program to save as  modify it according your doubt and clear them. 

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